Our Founder

Founding hemp&humanity

In 2015, 50+ USA Snowboarding Champion Melissa Gibson finally found relief from her multiple autoimmune conditions when she was introduced to a hemp-derived compound called CBD. After her health improved drastically, Melissa created hemp&humanity, a quadruple bottom line company which provides education about hemp-derived products. In an unregulated, and often confusing marketplace, Melissa knew there was a need for a trusted source, so she consciously curated a collection that folks can rely on to optimize their health. hemp&humanity is dedicated to harnessing the power of hemp to improve the human condition.


hemp&humanity - The Back Story

A personal journey to improve her health inspired Melissa Gibson to dedicate her life to sharing the key to wellness that she has discovered. Leveraging her degree in Agriculture Economics from Cornell University, an MBA in Brand Management, and 20+ years of strategic development in social enterprise, Melissa founded hemp&humanity in 2016.

Despite a healthy lifestyle, Melissa contracted Lyme Disease in her late 30s, and discovered she had Celiac disease in her early 40s. Melissa struggled to balance her immune disorders with her desire to feel good, stay active and be productive as a business owner, athlete, and mother of two. Then, in 2014, Melissa was diagnosed with Graves Disease, another immune disorder, which affects the thyroid. Her compromised immune system resulted in arthritis, digestive issues, muscle loss, brain fog and other symptoms that were exacerbated by the day to day stress typical of women her age. However, as a 50+ snowboarding competitor, and a someone who has always embraced healthy living, Melissa was determined to find a way to feel better and get stronger.

To find relief from her immune diseases, and in an effort to avoid recommended surgery or radiation, Melissa searched for natural, non-toxic and organic alternatives. As a business development professional who helps entrepreneurs, grassroots organizations and independent businesses to become more socially conscious and sustainable, Melissa was introduced to hemp while serving as an advisor to an upstate NY nonprofit. She was blown away by the potential of hemp and CBD, and began her journey towards improved health.

Hemp has enabled Melissa to get relief from her multiple immune disorders, recover from athletic training, decrease arthritis pain, reduce anxiety. and maintain balance. In October of 2017, after a year of regular use of the most highly effective hemp products, Melissa’s endocrinologist delivered the news that her Graves Diseases is headed toward remission. She feels the best she has in years, and enjoys helping others to optimaize their own health and wellbeing.

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